When I stumbled into this site I knew I was going to become its newest member almost instantly. It’s about a couple that share their sex lives with us. It’s also about cum training which I don’t know much about but this couple swears by it. By the looks of the amount of cum he showers her with I’m inclined to believe it too. The female half of the couple is Lily, she’s a hot MILF that enjoys using her sexy body to tease her husband. You don’t ever see his face but that’s ok. We do get to enjoy him blowing his loads all over his wife and that’s what matters.
I was able to use this Yummy Couples discount for 61% off. As a member, I get to enjoy all of the HD videos on the site. You’re able to stream as much as you like and a streaming player for your cell phone is also included. There are weekly updates that you can look forward to. You’re encouraged to interact by liking and commenting and you can even save scenes as your favorites.